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The South vs. The North (Or Just vs. Me)

We’re in Van Buren, AK this week visiting Tim’s father, Bob, and Bob’s wife, Frances. I’ve been sleeping in. A lot. Meaning: everyday as well as for several hours every day. That's what I do - especially on vacation.

Our bedroom is right next to the living room, so this morning, as soon as I turned off my noise machine (which I brought from home. Have you ever heard the crickets in these parts?) Tim bounded in with his usual cheery demeanor. I hate cheery, especially in the morning. And, most especially from my husband. He knows this. He sat on the bed and smiled at me.

Now, you might think this was a nice thing to do, but it wasn’t a “how was your night?” smile, or even a “so glad to see you, honey” smile, nor was it even a come-hither-type smile. No, it was clearly a smile of mockery.

“What do you want from me?” I croaked. I'll admit: morning-voice is not a pretty thing.

Tim convulsed with laughter (I’m not exaggerating. Where does he get this kind of energy in the morning? I really don’t know. And believe me, even if I did, I’m not buyin’.)

“It’s 10 o’clock. We been drinkin’ coffee and eatin’ cereal and visitin’ for 3 hours!” (After a few days "visitin'" he starts talkin' like this.)

“Well, I’ve been emulating Southern culture.” I informed him, regaining my voice. “People are genteel. They go at a slower pace down here,” I explained. He countered, cackling, “Yeah. They’re easy-goin’, not bedridden.”

Still think he's such a saint, y'all?

When we get home next week, I’ll post some pictures of the cows and horses, Cousin JT, Tim doin’ chores (manly ones on the tractor… and not so manly ones with Frances’ pink screwdriver) as well as the sight across the river that caused me to ask, all excited, “Are they building an amusement park?” I can already see that’s gonna be a teller around these here parts for years.

Comments (5)

OK. That's way too much bounciness for the morning. Or even early afternoon. Just threaten him with "no more visitin'" until he calms down.

Denise Roberts:

My book club WRENS (women reading, eating n sipping) read your book for our July meeting at my suggestion. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and some of us could relate.

My husband and I took our first lengthy trip to Alamo, Tx. for 2 months this year in a 31' travel trailer and I didn't know if we could do the whole 24/7. But it was a wonderful experience and we will repeat it in 2010 for 3 months. But as soon as we returned home we wanted to go out again. We are headed to the Black Hills in August and would love to take a year like you did.

Thanks for your insight on the various locations. I have printed your recipes and plan on having a group in Tx. to try them out.

Loved your book.

A fan from Lake of the Ozarks, Mo.

Thanks so much, Denise! Please say "hey" to the WRENS for me. And, if you see our bus rolling down the road, feel free to also say "hey" to us, or run for your life - whichever seems more appropriate at the time.


It must be the English major in me, but AK is Alaska (where I live), not Arkansas (AR).

I just finished your book today and LOVED it. We're reading it for our book club this month. I'll have to talk to the girls about setting up an "appearance."

Thanks again for the trip around the country, and thanks for coming to Anchorage (and Wrangell, where I'm from)!

This is a mistake that I CONSTANTLY make, so obviously, is some (not-so) unconscious wish that I were in AK instead of AR. Do let me know via my website if you would like me to "visit" your book club. I'd love to "do" my first AK one!

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