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April Winner and Shoes, The Musical

The April contest to win a galley copy of QUEEN OF THE ROAD (and moose poop) came out on April 1st, so I figured the theme should be A Royal Expose, in honor of April Fools' Day.You were charged to write about the "truth" behind Your Sovereign, Sir Tim, Our Bus, The Pets or really, whatever struck your fancy - anything at all in the QUEEN OF THE ROAD universe.

The theme seems to have been a stumper, but a ringer of sorts, WriterKat, came through. (Ringer because she's a writer with a fabulous writing blog to boot. She also works in the mental health field, but we won't hold that against her.)

Herewith, WriterKat's winning entry:

It wasn't what Judge Judy had in mind when she sentenced Dr. Queen and Dr. Queen to house arrest for the heinous unspeakable crime (think moose poop for cash ). But who is to say a bus is not a house. Chains strapped to their legs, the Drs. Queen peeled away from the courthouse ready for a new beginning. For sure they were kicked out of the Alaskan wild, but there's lots more moose..er.. adventures to be found on the open road than just that winter wonderland.

It's not to say being strapped down is all that fun, but bungie-jumping the Grand Canyon (they had to scale back up the cliffs since the chains had no bunge) wasn t exactly like the pain of digging holes in a field. (Don't go there: reminder, moose poop for cash). Certainly, it was more breathtaking than passing meds at the shrink joint (ignore the rumors, their meds are made from straight meds).

Halfway across Boonsville, they were at a loss for their next cash-crop. Fortunately, Dr. Mr. Queen excelled as the chain-footed driver, and Dr. Mrs. Queen chained herself to the computer, leaving us a year of memories in the Queenly novel, We Did It: A hypothetical Account of the Moose Poop Cash-Crop , [Editor's note: Change title ASAP to Queen of the Road: A True Tale of 47 States & NOT ALASKA, 22,000 Miles , 200 Shoes, 2 Cats, 1 Poodle, NO MOOSE, a husband and a House under Arrest that looks like a Bus. ]

Obvious why she won, no? (Although I'm not sure Tim will be pleased being called, "Dr. Queen." When my publisher first suggested the title, QUEEN OF THE ROAD, his only comment was, "People better not think that refers to me.")

And, please do head over to Robin Altman's (Kiddie Shrink extraordinaire - actually, I have no idea if she's a good shrink, but she's a hell of a funny broad) blog to see her response in our Shoe Off. I'd say she's thrown down the gauntlet with "Shoes, the Musical."

Now, I must retreat to the Royal dungeon to seek out my very best pairs of beauties, guarded all these years by the Imperial Dragon (hope he's not too pissed off).


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» Shoes from Shoes
They are most commonly pink, white, black, or pale tan, although they may be made in specialty colo [Read More]

Comments (12)

Love Writerkat's winning entry. Say hi to Dr. Queen for me. Ha! Ha!

Writerkat's entry is hilarious. Does she have good shoes and would she like to join the shoe fray?

Thanks Doreen! You are the best.

Thanks Robin & Polly... unfortunately, all my shoes are.. well, frayed. I've never been a shoe girl just what I have to at work and Keds at home. But my 6 year old seems to be. Maybe she'll join the mix. :-)

Congratulations Writerkat. However, we do need to work on your shoe situation.

Congratulations to Writerkat!!!

"When my publisher first suggested the title, QUEEN OF THE ROAD, his only comment was, "People better not think that refers to me."

bwhahahaha....now that's funny!

I'm looking forward to reading the real truth of the Queen's journey and finding out what a "galley" looks like.

Unfortunately being 5'10, I'm both flat in chest and shoes. :-) For the shoe worthy, Here's a shoe for you: http://pkwood.blogspot.com/2008/05/coming-attractions-tribute-to-miss.html

just so you know, i am already pimpin' your book!


Pimp away! (I knew there was a reason I like you.)

Doreen, I received the book & the moose. The book is hilarious! Thank you so much!

WriterKat -

Thanks so much for praising the book and not the moose poop (unlike some people - you know who you are).

I will continue to proudly sing the praises of my poopin' moose, no matter how crass, politically incorrect or socially inappropriate. All hail the poopin' moose!

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