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Beware Falling Moose

When Tim and I traveled the Seward Highway south of Anchorage (to get to the Kenai Peninsula) during our bus year, we were struck by the moose warning signs. It seemed to us shrinks a rather perverse twist on the notion of constructive criticism, since rather than merely warning, they also announced how many of the beasts had been hit on Alaskan roads thus far in the year.

Fortunately, we were also not struck by a moose, as this Alaska State Trooper nearly was when one fell off a cliff.

This was actually the only moose we saw on Kenai - a cow and her baby.

(And, speaking of moose, see my Feb 1 entry to win a poopin' moose - and a copy of QUEEN OF THE ROAD, of course.)

Comments (3)

Holy cow, err, MOOSE! I can't wait to see one for myself, but I hope it's not because I hit one...or one falls on me!


Very cool! Seeing a moose in the wild is on my list of things to do before I die.

Go to Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. It has the highest concentration of moose, anywhere.

The cow and baby we saw were in a residential neighborhood. There's picture someone took there of a moose at the drive-up window of a fast food place.

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