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Boulder Fire

Thanks, everyone for emailing to see if we're OK. We are. No danger at all at our house. We live at the city limits, and there's no indication the city is going to do any evacuations. We're lucky: we just have to keep our windows shut because of the smoke and ash. A slight inconvenience that's nothing compared to what so many are going through.

The house we built, lived in for years, got married in and moved from a few years ago, was in the area of mandatory evacuation yesterday afternoon. Reports are that the fire was in that neighborhood. It's a great community of people and fortunately, there are no reports of injuries at this time. (Although I heard on the Boulder County Sherrif radio scanner this morning that some moronic reporter dressed up as a fireman to get close. I hope they taze, then arrest, then fire him.)

Here are some pictures taken from our house yesterday when there was not a cloud in the sky. All of this is smoke from the fire:







This is the same view as the first picture, but it was taken this morning. There's smoke over the whole town.

As I took it, I heard a loud buzzing near my head, turned around and saw this hummingbird taking a rest:



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2010 11:24 AM.

The previous post in this blog was A Poem for My Garden.

The next post in this blog is Hey, Boo Boo!.

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