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The Biggest Little Book Club Ladies

When these Reno ladies decided to start a book club three years ago, they weren't kidding around. While the requirements for entry in my own book club often appear to be based solely on a love of food and drink, for this one, you're actually expected to read. What a concept!


From Bottom left: Stephanie, Joan's pooch, Kathy, Christy, Joan
Top Left: Sue, Deb, Marisa, Anita, Jocelyn

And, it's quite a diverse group. Here's what Jocelyn had to say about the Ladies:

Jocelyn: coordinator/ social butterfly and baby of the group
Christy: the bean counter and fellow baby of the group
Stephanie: well-read, informed, senior staffer
Kathy: party/event planning by day, best backyard summer hostess by night
Deb: book worm and collector of chickens (that would be real, live chickens)
Marisa: Burning Man fan and cake decorator/artist
Anita: smart, worldly
Joan: voracious reader and quirky, good fun
Sue: been all over the map, realtor to the stars and jokester

I only found all this out after Jocelyn emailed me afterwards, or I certainly would have been asking them more questions than I did. (Starting with: Collector of chickens? Like that Lucy episode?)

Ladies (and Joan's pooch - nice profile!) thanks again, so much, for choosing Queen of the Road. (I wish I could figure out how to upload that picture of the baby with one of my signed bookplates platered on him/her. Priceless!)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2010 8:00 PM.

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