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Meadow View Book Goup

You know I don't like to play favorites, but when a book club starts our discussion by singing "Happy Birthday" to me... well, how am I supposed to feel?


Front row Linda M, Nancy, Heather and Jodie, back row Jessie, Leslie, Linda G, Donna and Lynda B.

Since it was peach season in Mechanicsburg, PA, this very astute neighborhood book club (which has been meeting for over 10 years - impressed?) was drinking my Jubilee Martinis.

And, guess what? A Wegman's just opened nearby. If you've read QUEEN OF THE ROAD (and what have I been telling you if you haven't? Geez), you know my goal in life is to live in a Wegmans. I know it's hard to understand why a supermarket would inspire such devotion, but you really have to be there. This club certainly agreed.

Another point of agreement was with the member who lived for many years in Rapid City, SD. Whenever I meet someone from South Dakota who has read the book, I always ask if they're mad at me for what I said about the Corn Palace. I'm pleased to report that every single one responds with some variation of, "No. All of us who live there think it's lame."

This time was no exception.

Ladies - thank you so very much, again, for choosing QUEEN OF THE ROAD and very especially for my only birthday song of my 50th year! (So far, anyway. Warming up the pipes, people?)

Comments (2)

Thank God you're back-- I've been missing your posts.

They're lovely-- you find the nicest people. And while we don't have Wegman's here, I totally understand the grocery store lust. I have it, too. Some stores elicit it, and nothing else can measure up to the object of your supermarket desire! I hear you!

Truly, these lovely people find me. I wish I could take the credit, but...

If you ever find yourself in the vicinity of a Wegman's, RUN don't walk. You'll never want to leave.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2009 1:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Your Queen Turns 50.

The next post in this blog is Lion (Not Tigers or Bears, but still - Oh, My!).

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