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My Fabulous Book Group

Last night my very own, fabulous book group (the one I've been in for over a decade) did QUEEN OF THE ROAD off galley copies. Thanks, ladies!

Of course, they were very complimentary. (What else were they going to say? They knew my onion rings would have made great projectiles.) And, for once, everyone finished the book! (Ditto - well, at least they said they did.) But, I was particularly gratified that in addition to the humor, they also "got" the underlying themes:

Don't wait - live your dreams NOW.

Keep challenging and stretching yourself.

The most important thing is to spend time with the people you love.

So, without further ado, here's my fabulous book group:


(Photo taken by our knights in shining armour, Peter Gail and his friend Michael, who had a camera in his cell phone, and saved the day when my camera refused to work.)
Jane Ann Hebert, Dina Horwedel, Sheryl Allen, me, Robbie Barr, Susan Wientzen at the Dark Horse, whose sister restaurant, The Bum Steer is mentioned in QUEEN OF THE ROAD as the place Tim and I had our first date. (He tricked me into going - the name couldn't be more appropriate.)

A few of the women are mentioned in the book:

Jane Ann has worked with Tim. Last night, she had to answer the question: "Is he really as great as Doreen portrays him?" (Hmmm. Wait'll I do that next edition.) Answer: "Yes." (There's that whole onion ring thing, again.) But then, she added, "And, what's really great, is you can tell how much he loves Doreen." Made even my cold, shrivelled heart melt. Thanks, Jane Ann.

Susan got some ribbing because in the book, I call her, "the most gorgeous woman I know." So, of course, she had to point out that I've had PRK - twice. (Maybe that explains my blinking in the picture.)

Sheryl, I term my "insane" friend, because her dream is to hike the Appalachian trail - 'nough said.

Robbie is mentioned in the acknowledgements as one of my beta readers, because I very much appreciated her judgment. (She's a judge - get it?)

Dina, who has had a fascinating life, providing aid in destitute, war-torn areas around the globe, had been in our group years before, then left to do her good work. She came back only recently and we're selfishly thrilled to have her with us, again.

Acknowledged, but not present, are Eileen GIlday and Deborah Ramirez who couldn't be there last night. We missed you, ladies! See you next time! (Geez. I hope it's not something I wrote.)

PS - Mom. I know you're going to be royally P.O.'d as only a Queen Mother can, that all these ladies have read the book and you have not. But, I wanted you to read the real book (you know, not a typo-filled, mistake-ridden, no blurbs yet galley copy) and I only got those last week. Yes, I know, I haven't sent you one of those, either. And, yes, I know in desperation, you ended up ordering one on Amazon.

I'll be happy to sign it for you.

Comments (9)

That's a very nice tribute to the people who have helped you along the way!! They look like a fun group!

One of the reasons I want to get published is so I can have a page of thank-yous to all the people who have read and critiqued my writing. Maybe many pages.....Do publishers limit you on this sort of thing?

What a nice thought!

My publisher didn't edit my acknowledgements at all - maybe because she knew I'd been working out.

you noted the onion rings, yet not the umbrelly drinks? no martinis to be had? the thought of it makes me woozy...

What a great group of women. You're so lucky to have them so close that you can get together in person too. And is that a black cat on your shoulder? Or is your hair suddenly very long?

Sheryl :

I'm such a sweet person, I don't think I can BE snarky. Let me try...how about the fact that there was NO mention of my incredibly clever, witty, absolutely hilarious (albeit embarrasingly offkey) rendition of Queen of the Road (sung to the tune of King of the Road of course). All snarkiness aside (is that a word? if not it should be), it is a thrill to see my brilliant friend receiving the success she so richly deserves. And I'm not saying that just because I was mentioned TWICE in the book, not ONCE like everyone else...

Polly -
Always wanted a "shoulder cat", but alas, that's a black boa.

Sheryl -
Just for that, I hereby decree you shall sing your QUEEN OF THE ROAD song at my launch party.

I'm impressed re. the fact that it's in second printing already without being released. Definitely a good sign, Doreen.
Do let me know if/when your book tour takes you to the northern climes of Canada, specifically Toronto.

Ah...the power of Internet..."talking" to your mom via your blog. Love it!

Gertrude Orion:

fugedaboudit!! As punishment, Queen Mother declares that you may bring only one pair of shoes when you come to visit. However, Tim, my wonderful, witty and charming son-in-law may bring as many as he wishes.

Good one, Ma!

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