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Lakewood Book Club


This lovely (with Pelican Puckers), very accomodating book club (they actually changed their club day for me because I couldn't call in on a Friday) has been meeting for about two years in Lakewood, CO. They originally met each other through church and their kids, and started as a monthly prayer group - praying so their kids wouldn’t get pregnant or end up in jail. It worked, so they turned their attendtion to books. (How 'bout praying for Angelina to option QUEEN OF THE ROAD, ladies? Come on! You have such a great track record!)

I always like to ask book clubs how they heard of my book. Lauri said she picked it after reading the review in The Rocky Mountain News. A bittersweet memory, indeed. Yes, the Rocky loved The Queen (the reviewer gave it a "Grade A"), but not long after, the newspaper folded.

Did I hear someone say "cause and effect"? Oooh, wise guy, eh? (Sorry. Tim's still plowing through a Three Stooges marathon on cable. I can't get Three Blind Mice out of my mind. There, now you can't, either. Why should I suffer alone?)

Anyway. Here's "the closest thing we had to a designer shoe, [Janice's] Birkenstock!"


Hmm. Since when did Birks get so stylish? I had a pair in college and I can guarentee you, they didn't look anything like that.

Lovely Ladies of Lakewood: Thank you so very much for inviting me to your discussion! I'll let you know when your prayers are answered. (Angie - call me.)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 12, 2010 12:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Spice Necklace.

The next post in this blog is Colonoscopy.

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