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Three's A Charm

QUEEN OF THE ROAD was only the third pick for this new, Oak Park, IL book club.

Still, they somehow managed to select the best drink of the bunch for book clubs - the Jubilee:


From Left to Right: Kate, Erin, Jen, Erin, Katie, Loretta, Sarah.
Note: Said Jubilee is itself in the foreground - empty. (I'd say this bodes quite well for this group.)

Because this book club is made up of mainly moms (and a few teachers) the most burning question (other than where we put the cat box, which I get asked so often, I really should do a blog post on) seemed to be: What advice could I give to women who want to follow their dreams, but can't take a year off?

What I hope I answered in a fairly articulate way (and what I'm going to take the liberty of elaborating on here because I suspect I didn't), was that it doesn't have to be as drastic as taking a full year off. That's why I dedicated QUEEN OF THE ROAD to anyone searching for his or her inner bus. I think often, many of us get so busy, we don't even think about having dreams, let alone what they are. Therefore...

Think about it. And, know that it doesn't have to be permanent. Dreams can change, if you want them to. So go for it! Let your imagination run wild! Then... carve out some time. Maybe your dream is to write the Great American Novel. You don't need a year off to do that. A half-hour a day, a few hours a week - whatever you can do. And if your dream really is something that requires an extended time off, let's say backpacking in the Himalayas, first: make an appointment with someone like me to medicate you out of it. (Hiking? Really??? I need a fresh pour.) Then... start reading about the experience: Travel books, memoirs, maps, history of the area. Keep the dream alive to make it more likely you'll actually do it.

You get the idea.

I think I must have answered the question fairly well, as Sarah emailed me afterwards: "The conversation was a unique experience and part of the best book club I've ever attended. All the girls agreed! We continued talking about future bus trips, summer home dreams, and family adventures late into the evening."

Love that! Thank you.

What are some of your dreams and do you think you'll live them? If not, why?

Comments (5)


Nicely put! It always helps to have achievable dreams as well! Otherwise you are setting yourself up for disaster. Just because you have a big dream, do not forget all the little dreams along the way or you might feel a bit of regret at the end of it all!

Dina Horwedel:

Good point about talking people out of stuff. I told my hubby after my last great idea, prefaced with "Wouldn't it be FUN to..." that the next time I get bitten by that bug, to take me firmly by the shoulders, shake me, and say, "NO! It really WOULDN'T be fun!"

Things to talk/medicate me out of include: hiking the Inca trail; living in an Ashram in India for a year; and taking the Trans-Siberian express from Russia to China.

Kristy - I love that about little dreams.

Dina - I fear we're talkin' so many meds, I'd lose my license.

The best part about dreams is that they take us out of our heads and into our feelings. They are a way to connect with an energy beyond the here and now everyday. A dream is our imagination in action and it opens up all kinds of possibilities for us. Experiencing through our imagination is a great tool for creating a new reality.Here's an example of a blog I wrote on using "baby steps" to get to where you want to be: http://stillettochick.typepad.com/blog/2009/01/kayaking-at-bedarra-island-a-little-bit-at-a-time-.html Dream On! Betty-Ann

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