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Indiana Goes Royal and Some Book Recommendations!

A little while ago, I did my first book group in Indiana (Carmel, to be exact). A lovely lady emailed "I chose this book for our club and you know the pressure that brings." Oh, indeed I do! She continued she then noticed, "you love calling into book clubs," (indeed I do, as well), and we arranged the "meeting." Although I cannot verify, Lori assured me that one of the martinis from the book would be served. Judging by the laughter on the other end of the line, I tend to believe her.


Lori says, "I'm the short one." Ah, yes. I can relate.

It's so interesting to me that every book club I "visit" has different questions and we get into different discussions. Why is this surprising? Well, every radio interview (at least those of the standard 10-15 minute length) I do is basically the same. Same questions, same answers. No wonder I can (and, for the EST am drive shows do), do them in my sleep. (No matter what time they are - I do them in my Royal PJs, of course. Right now, my favs are pink flannels with black poodles on them. OK, OK. I'm as predictable as those radio shows.) I can always tell if the host has actually read the book, because then, even for the afternoon drive shows, I get the question, "Are you in your PJs right now?"

In any event, one of the things this book group and I discussed were other books we'd read. I shall trust the gals not to divulge which ones I didn't care for (ah, Lori, I do hope I spared you that embarrassment), but I did recommend a few they might not have heard of that I've recently read: Susan Breen's THE FICTION CLASS and Kristy Kiernan's, CATCHING GENIUS and MATTERS OF FAITH. All three would make wonderful discussion books, and indeed, I hope to blog about my own book group's thoughts about them once we return to Boulder.

And no, alas, I do not call in to my own book group to join the discussion while we're on the road. As you can imagine, I'm in a lazy book group - we always meet in restaurants. For all the gals that cook for each other - I tip my crown to you!

What are some of your favorite discussion books?

Comments (4)

kristy peacock:

Well, our book club is for the most part lazy as well. We did do the Hurlatini on the night we discussed Queen of the Road!(one of the few times I have consented to kick the hubby and the kids out of the house for bookclub)
Another great re-read I just did was Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men." He does an amazing job of packing the story into a short space.

That's a great idea! Sometimes, even when we enjoy a book, we don't seem to have much to dicuss about it. "Of Mice and Men" wouldn't present that problem.

I don't belong in a book group, but if I did, I would only belong in one that met in a restaurant. Cooking? Huh?

My book choices lie in giant piles next to my bed, waiting for me to finally read them, and evilly tripping me if I don't. I eagerly await my Kindle...

I'll be curious what you think of the Kindle. Call me old fashioned (or just old), but I like the feel of curling up with an actual book.

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