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Don't Let The Spark Die

The Nudist RV Park

Although I protested as long as I could, my husband and I did eventually hit the road in our bus with our two querulous cats, sixty-pound dog - and no agenda. So, another important thing we learned on our year-long adventure was: Don't let the spark die. It's crucial to keep challenging and stretching oneself. My pre-bus life had been so comfortable - too comfortable, in fact. It had become rote and routine. During our bus year, we actually became grateful not only for the adventures, but the disasters, as well (fire, flood, armed robbery, my developing a bus phobia and finding ourselves in a nudist RV park, to name just a few) because they helped rekindle that spark. We are afforded amazing opportunities in our country, and we all work very hard to achieve our goals, yet often we get there and feel like there’s something missing. If you're asking yourself, "Is this all there is?" Maybe you need to get on that bus - in whatever form it takes.

Comments (5)

your shaker looks like mine...big surprise.

Ah, but do we shake it the same way?

Love the video, Doreen. I take it that's the voice of the actress who read the book? Or is that you?

I'm not aware of any actress who has read my book, unless the Hollywood co-agent has given it to Angelina Jolie like I asked him to. (I know that's the obvious choice to play me, but What Do You Want From Me?) Nope, that's me (also me on the podcasts, which were just posted on my website). Just give Angie a little while longer to call, though. I hear she's pretty busy.

I don't know why I thought that, but I'm glad to hear it's you. I'd always much rather hear the author. Yeah, I hear Angelina's pretty busy too, but that's okay because you have much better shoes.

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