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Ketchikan, AK

Of our first stop in Alaska, Ketchikan, Tim says he's never seen
such dense forest. I wouldn't know.

Comments (4)


Tim's exaggerating--he and I have both been in denser forests and even denser bush.


I bet I know who this is, coward!!!


Sorry, Doreen. It wasn't me. However, i have been DEEP in the bush, but certainly not with Tim, and it has been so long that I vaguely remember. I understand that it's a lot like riding a bicycle, though. Are we talking about the same thing?


I'm talking about hiking. I don't understand this bicycle stuff.
What are you talking about?

And, manny appoligies! I didn't realize I had two such gifted friends.

Now, as for who really wrote this, coward! Show yourself!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2005 6:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A Wild Ride.

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