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Armed Robbery: The Post Game

Once we leave the restaurant, Tim wants to go to a convenience store to get some beer.

“Are you crazy?” I exclaimed. “They’re even better targets for robberies than burrito places. No way.”

“But, sweetie,” he patiently explains. “I don’t have any cold ones in the… ”

“No, no, no, no NO!” I cry. I will not relent, so rather than upset me more, he agrees to the compromise that I make him the martini of his choice. No problemo; I was planning to down a few myself. Actually, Tim wasn’t too upset that he couldn’t get a beer. He was in a great mood, as he figured that now, my bus phobia simply had to be cured.

In retrospect, the would-be assailant was none too bright. Why didn’t he wait outside until the woman was near the till rather than toward the back? And, since he was already in the joint, why didn’t he run over and take our money? Frankly, it kind of adds insult to injury to be so frightened by a robber who’s such a moron. I think I might be feeling better by now if he had been just a teensy bit higher up on the food chain.

Comments (6)


Wow, pretty scary. It's probably a good thing the guy wasn't too bright.


Yup, but I guess it cuts both ways. A guy who's none too bright would also be more prone to panic and do something stupid (to us).
Stupidity seems to have been in the air that night. After it was all over, we found out the woman behind the counter had gotten on her cell phone and called... her boss! OK. Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's a restaurant owner/police officer. Sheeez.


Dios Mio!


Jesus Christ! Thank God I wasn’t there. He probably would have shot me when I asked him “if that was a gun in his pocket or….”

Pretty scary stuff. I’m glad you were with Tim. Not that you would have lost your cool or anything like that, but Tim’s probably the number one person I’d pick to be next to in that kind of situation.

Glad you both made it out okay.

My favorite burrito there, by the way, was the chile relleno, if I remember correctly.


That night, I had the veggie.
The next night, at an extremely lively, always crowded Mexican place, with many exits, I had a chile relleno.


... and two Margaritas

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