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August 2012 Archives

August 10, 2012

Waukesha Book Club

Back in the Sping, I had the pleasure of "attending" Peggy's book club in Waukesha, WI. I call it Peggy's book club, because after she moved to the area and started meeting people, she started the group.

Book clubs often ask me for book book recommendations, and I like to ask them, as well. Peggy's recommended two I've already enjoyed (so you may, too): The Poisonwood Bible and The Help. But also, three I'd never heard of and are now on my list to read: The Secret History, On the Shadow of the Wind andThe Art of Fielding.

Ladies, I always feel like an airline pilot when I say "I know you have a choice in books to choose for book club, and I'm so happy you chose mine."

I really enjoyed your group.

And now, I'll hang up my pilot's wings and put on my nagavator (as Tim says) shoes, and wish you a royal,

Queen On!

August 19, 2012

The Dirty Girl Book Club

You know how I feel about book clubs that really get into it. Well, not only did these "Dirty Girls" wear tiaras, but Michelle (in white, in front) is wearing her Queen of the Road t-shirt. But even that's not the best part. This club was so into it, they taste tested 10 (count 'em, 10) of my Queenly martinis weeks ago, so they could narrow 'em down to a Final Four and voila! Phobic Friar, Headwater High, Love Me Blender, and Nudist Nectar made the cut (and the photo).

Of course, I could tell you that this fun group of women in St. Paul, MN, met after dancing together at a local studio. When Penny retired from dance about six years ago, she started the group to keep in touch with everyone. It's actually a book/movie club, as they read six books and see six chick flicks a year. (So, nu Steven Spielberg? Too busy to pick up the phone? Would it kill you to spare these women one night of agonizing decision making some month by making Queen of the Road into a movie? No, I didn't think so. So, be a good boy.)

I could tell you all that, but I'm still stuck on the taste testing 10 martinis thing. These gals are obviously far better women than I.

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About August 2012

This page contains all entries posted to What Do You Want From Me? by Doreen Orion in August 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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